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Hi, I am YOUNESS FATINE, an 18-year-old student passionate about Front-end development. Currently in my first year of computer science at WebTech Institute.


Bag Scanner

Our project at WebTech Institute aimed to simplify the lives of students. To meet this challenge, my team and I designed a box equipped with an LCD screen and an RFID card reader.

Students can simply scan their badge, triggering a connection to an API via WiFi to retrieve crucial information such as the study room, class time, floor, and campus details.

This provides a practical and instant experience. In the context of this project, my primary role was the 3D printing of the box, adding a physical dimension to our technological solution. I was also responsible for assembling the electronic components.

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FitFull Box - Website

My team and I enthusiastically created the "FitFull Box," a brand specializing in the monthly delivery of boxes containing sports-related products.

During our month in Dublin, I played a key role in the visual design, with a focus on the CSS and 3D aspects of the website.

At the end of our stay, we presented our website in English, showcasing our dedication and expertise in this exciting project.

Supp & Game - Website

SUPP&GAME is a charity event in the world of online gaming!

The association brings together content creators, streamers, and influential gaming personalities to raise funds for different charitable causes each year.

Participants engage in challenges, live gaming marathons, and other entertaining activities streamed continuously on Twitch. Viewers can make real-time donations to support humanitarian organizations and social causes.

Involved in the development of the SUPP&GAME website, my primary role was on the design side, with a strong expertise in CSS. I also integrated numerous 3D elements, including a fully functional PS5 controller to evoke the gaming universe.


photo de youness fatine en costume deux pièce


Born in Italy, I charted my course until the age of eight before settling in France, where I successfully obtained my diplomas, including the brevet, the baccalaureate, and the Esabac.

Passionate about sports, I particularly thrive in dynamic disciplines such as basketball and surfing.

Throughout my senior year in high school, a new passion emerged: computer science, specifically front-end development. This is where I found my playground, exploring the creative and innovative aspects of web development.

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